The ECA(SA) has contracted 5 industry experts to make this service available to all regions. We are piloting this service over the next 6 months with a view to improving its impact. It is part of your membership benefits available to members in good standing. All the Technical Advisors will be participating in the National Technical Committee and their answers to various questions will be published on our website in a feature called “Frequently Asked Questions”. We welcome the team and are excited to have them on board.

NATIONAL HELP DESK – 087 944 4555

As an employers’ organisation in the electrical construction industry, one of the major services provided by the ECA(SA) is in the technical field of operations. To this end, the ECA(SA) represents the industry on a number of SABS committees, the most significant being the SANS 10142-1 committee that oversees the wiring of electrical installations. The ECA(SA)’s presence on this committee means that members have access to accurate and relevant information. The ECA(SA)’s Technical Support and Advice Helpdesk service provides telephonic advice on matters related to SANS 10142-1 as well as assistance to ECA(SA) members on site. Additionally, the ECA(SA) assists members with support and advice on the Electrical Installation Regulations and related parts of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.