As past President Thursdon Duncan performed the last duty of his Presidency of the ECA(SA), by convening the association’s 2023 Annual General Meeting National Director Mark Mfikoe called the National Executive Committee to order, as the votes for the next President went into final tally.

Reflecting on Duncan’s tenure, Mfikoe emphasised the several advances taken by the association under his guidance. Of note are the accreditation of the training centres and the first of the Solar Schools to be launched. Shifting with the times, which brought with them some of the major economic and social challenges ever faced, gearing up for a transition into renewables, changing regulations and new regulations have kept the association on its toes, and developing its support for its members in highly practical, meaningful ways.

Everyone who has engaged with Thursdon Duncan knows his positive energy and ability to exert a natural wisdom to facing challenges and ensuring all voices are heard. His diplomacy has been invaluable over his tenure, and he steered the ship through some truly choppy waters. “It has been my sincerest honour to serve ECA(SA) and an opportunity to give back what was so generously given to me as I began my career as an electrical contractor,” observed Duncan. “I encourage everyone here to keep driving forward, and to keep the momentum we have created moving in the right direction.” Duncan noted that the pace of change is unlikely to slow down any time soon, and as the public increasingly become aware of the association, as its role becomes increasingly important as consumers find their own energy solutions, to remain aware of the vital role we must play for the greater good.
Welcoming in the new President Frans Swanepoel

Any election comes with that last moment… that collective hesitation…and such was the moment when Mark Mfikoe accounted ECA(SA)’s new President as Mr Frans Swanepoel. ECA President Frans Swanepoel is now formally inaugurated as ECA(SA)’s new President, and he gave succinct and direct address to the NEC.
“This is naturally a great honour, and in my role as President, my biggest advantage lies with the excellence of my peers and the guidance of our National Director.