Cecil Lancaster, ECA(SA) Regional Director in the Bosveld Region, advises electrical contractors that along with the third edition of SANS 10142-1, which was published on 23 July this year, the test report has been revised to the extent that it can now fit on a single A4 sheet. This means that the CoC form is now a two-page document, instead of four pages. One A4 sheet instead of two A4s or one A3 sheet.
“The new format CoC is approved for immediate use, but those who still have stock left or prefer using the previous version may continue using it until July 2021 and, until such time, both versions will be valid,” he explains.
The ECA(SA) provides legal blank Certificates of Compliance (CoC) and test report forms to the industry – and has been doing so for many years – and ECA(SA) members have access to an electronic CoC (e-CoC). Both formats are legal when duly completed and signed.
Please refer to the Electrical Installation Regulations of 2009 for the requirements.
From the definitions therein:
“certificate of compliance” means –
- A certificate with a unique number obtainable from the chief inspector or a person appointed by the chief inspector, in the form of Annexure 1 and issued by a registered person in respect of an electrical installation or part of an electrical installation, or …
And from regulation 7:
Certificate of compliance
7. (1) Subject to the provisions of subregulation (3), every user or lessor of an electrical installation, as the case may be, shall have a valid certificate of compliance for that installation in the form of Annexure 1, which shall be accompanied by a test report in the format approved by the chief inspector, in respect of every such electrical installation.
Annexure 1: (It must contain the relevant information.)

The approved format of the test report as it appears in the SANS 10142-1, is:

For more information, contact your nearest ECA regional office.
Leola Petersen on (010) 271 0686 or leola@ecasa.co.za
East/South Cape:
Wilmarie Smith on (041) 363 1990 or wilmarie@ecasa.co.za
Free State/N.Cape:
Nita Mekarnia on (051) 447 0859 or nita@ecasa.co.za
Julie Lerm on (012) 342 3242 or julie@ecasa.co.za
Western Cape:
Michelle Digre on (021) 462 2690 or michelled@ecasa.co.za
Resheka Sewpersadh on (031) 312 6313 or resheka@ecasa.co.za