The coming issue of SA Electrical Contractor – in your inboxes this Friday, 18 August – celebrates Women’s Month with a feature that looks at the inner workings of women empowerment at an ECA member company.

Being so traditionally male-dominated, the electrical contracting industry is still in a deep learning-curve when it comes to fully integrating women. Brand Engineering has cultivated a systemic, comprehensive approach to developing women and the environments they work in. Nurturing leadership skills and fostering the effective levels of self-awareness required for sustainable, impactful transformation. Building bridges through insight, the women of Brand Engineering are experiencing highly positive outcomes. The benefits to the company have been robust, bringing in new directions and drawing on the particular strengths that keep emerging from this advantageous focus on women’s empowerment.
The July-August edition of SA Electrical Contractor also features new national strategies to combat cable theft, the pitfalls and common errors of completing CoCs, and Ivan Israelstanhighlights the need for employers to keep up with fair labour practice. ECA(SA) President, Thursdon Duncan, takes a granular look at the benefits of QCTO accreditation, and how it enriches ECA(SA) members, whilst National Director, Mark Mfikoe, reframes the ‘brain drain’ conversation from a global perspective, and the role it plays in how we address development and the socio-economic dynamics at play.
This is also outgoing National Communications Manager, Erika van Zyl’s farewell issue, as she hands over the reigns to incoming National Communications Manager, Nicholas McDiarmid. SA Electrical Contractor and Wired e-newsletter are truly Erika’s ‘babies’, created by her and National Director, Mark Mfikoe, seven years ago. The publications have grown into a vital industry mouthpiece, and arguably ECA(SA)’s most powerful communication tools. Her legacy is born of passion, determination and unfailing commitment to ECA(SA)’s mission, and the publications have outperformed all expectations. Long may her legacy live.