22 NOVEMBER 2024 – 10H00
- 1. Notice convening the meeting.
- 2. Notices and announcements.
- 3. Apologies.
- 4. Confirmation of minutes: To confirm the minutes of the 74th National Annual General Meeting of the association
- 5. Matters arising from the minutes.
- 6. Finance.
- 6.1 Approval of the audited financial statements of the association for the year ended 30 June 2024.
- 6.2 To appoint auditors for the ensuing year.
- 7. President’s report: To receive the report of the President, Frans Swanepoel.
- 8. Election of office bearers: To elect the national office bearers for the ensuing year in terms of clause 9.2(e) of the association’s constitution.
Current Office Bearers
President: Frans Swanepoel.
First Vice-President: Eckard Van Zyl.
Second Vice-President: Jimmy Turner.
In terms of clause 9.1(a) of the constitution the office bearers shall hold office for at least one year, and no more than two years, at each level. Nominations have been called for all of the positions from the Regions in terms of clause 9.2(d) and must be delivered to the office of the National Director prior to the AGM.
- 9. Any other business
- 10. Closure