Bookings are now open for the ECA(SA)’s EWSETA-accredited Electrical Fence System Installer course that will be presented at the ECA(SA) Bosveld Regional office from 18 to 20 July.

Electric Fence Installations may only be done – and a CoC therefore issued – by persons registered as ‘Electric Fence System Installers’ (EFSI) in accordance with clauses 12 to 15 of the Electrical Machinery Regulations. This is a RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) course, addressing the shortfall between Installation Electrician and Electric Fence System Installer, and is for people who have been in the electric fence installation field for more than two years. The aim of the course is to have Electric Fence Installers become qualified persons with the Energy and Water Sector Training Authority (EWSETA) and for them to be registered with the Department of Employment and Labour (DoEL).

Requirements for registration  
To register, applicants must

  • Be over the age of 16 years.
  • Be a qualified electrician (must have passed his/her Trade Test).
  • Must have a Wireman’s License in Single Phase or be either an Installation Electrician or Master Installation Electrician (however, the RPL is based on the minimum of a Trade Test).

Course content

(a)  Install electric fencing

(b)  Demonstrate an understanding of electric fencing

(c)  Apply cabling methods

(d)  Use elementary electronics as applied to electronic systems

(e)  Configure an installation

(f)   Determine installation requirements

(g)  Explain the use of installed systems

Included in this course

  • Course on Electric Fence installations.
  • Copy of SANS 10222, the National Standard applicable to electric fences.
  • Copy of the Electrical Machinery Regulations 2011.
  • Pre-Assessment (to determine your level of knowledge – please read above requirements).
  • Training on all the required unit standards (a) – (g) above will be provided.
  • When an applicant is found to be competent, the ECA will apply on applicants’ behalf for a Statement of Competency from EWSETA. Once this has been received, application can be made to the Department of Employment and Labour to be registered as an EFSI. The ECA will provide guidance on this process.

Limited seating

A limited number of 10 (ten) candidates may attend the course, with a minimum of five candidates.

Before registering, contact Rika Nel on (012) 342 3242 to confirm that seats are available.

Date and time

Tuesday 18 July 2023 to Thursday 20 July 2023 

07h45 to 16h00 daily                    


ECA(SA) Pretoria, 1074 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria


The course is held over three days:            

Day 1 & Day 2:   Continuous

Day 3:                   Assessment. Portfolio of Evidence (POE) will be done at a later date.


ECA members    R3 920-00 p/person [incl. VAT]

Non-members   R5 230-00 p/person [incl. VAT]

Course fees include the course, course material, assessment, refreshments, and a light lunch daily.

Students must bring a valid ID document, mobile phone, notebook and pen.

Online registration

To register go to https://forms.gle/LdqCXwGNpjfuRoJ76 and follow the prompts

Payment secures the booking and proof of payment must be emailed to rika@ecasa.co.za or phone (012) 342 3242 to make arrangements.

A tax invoice will be issued when proof of payment is received.

NB: Electric Fence CoCs

The ECA(SA) sells pads of Electric Fence Certificates of Compliance to registered EFSI installers – these are available from all ECA offices.

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